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February 2022 Update

The Chiropractic Medicare Coverage Modernization Act:
Help Increase Access to Chiropractic

The Chiropractic Medicare Coverage Modernization Act (H.R. 2654) is a bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives that will allow Medicare beneficiaries to fully access the chiropractic profession’s broad-based, non-drug approach to pain management.  Non-drug approaches to pain management have become an important strategy in national efforts to stem the epidemic of prescription opioid overuse and abuse. 

Lack of Medicare coverage means seniors and other Medicare patients who require services are forced to either pay out of pocket, go without treatments that would benefit them, or visit a provider whose standard procedures may involve drugs, or other treatment options that could be unnecessary.


While this bill increases access and coverage for Medicare beneficiaries, it does not add any new services or remove services currently covered under Medicare.  It simply corrects the discriminatory language that prevents patients from choosing chiropractic care for services already covered.


It is vital that our federal representative hears from patients about the importance of increased access to chiropractic care.  This bill, which address a nationwide issue, has broad bipartisan support and already has over 100 co-sponsors.  Currently, the only Oregon representative that has not co-sponsored this bill is the representative from our area, District 2, Representative Cliff Bentz.  Urge Representative Bentz to co-sponsor H.R. 2654 and thank him for his support of the more than 55 million Americans who are currently Medicare patients and those who will be in the future.


Visit to send a letter or call your representative at 202-224-3121 and tell them to “Cosponsor H.R. 2654.”