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May 2021 Update

6 Lesser Known Facts About The New Office
We have been so excited over the last few weeks to FINALLY share the new office with those of you who have been in to see it!  And for those of you who have not seen it quite yet, we can’t wait to share it!  While many of you have noticed the spacious, new, and updated features of our new clinic, there are a few things we wanted to share with you that you may not have noticed… YET!


1.  There is a Bioswale

    We know what you are thinking: a what??? Some of you may have noticed out front there are some trees that are planted a little lower.  They are actually a feature of our bioswale.  A bioswale is an eco-friendly way to filter stormwater run off and recharge the ground water while reducing pollution. This also keeps the ground water in the local community for things like irrigation and helps with drought prevention.  Precious water that goes into a storm drain pipes to the rivers and eventually the ocean being lost to our region. Well, not any more at SOSR!

2.  The HVAC system constantly filters fresh air into all the rooms

    Our HVAC system is so state of the art it isn’t even on the market yet for residential or commercial consumption!  For your health, safety, and comfort, all our rooms are constantly circulating fresh air to make sure that the equipment does not make the rooms too hot.

3.  The treatment rooms are specifically designed to be accessible for all our patients 

    One of the biggest difficulties we encountered in the old clinic was too small of hallways, rooms, and restrooms.  As all who have seen the new clinic, this is no longer a problem.  But one lesser known difficulty was issues controlling the amount of light in the rooms.  For those who are sensitive to light, we kept you in mind.  There are no more lights above the heads of tables, all lighting in treatment spaces are dimmable, and there are no more windows with blaring sun during your treatment depending on the time of day.

4.  Your privacy is a top priority

    Another issue with the old clinic was thin walls and windows making privacy difficult.  Treatment spaces were designed to be noise reducing and private from outside by-passers to uphold your HIPAA rights to the highest degree possible.

5.  We have an expanded rehabilitation exercise space

    You may not see this at first glance, but tucked away behind the chiropractic treatment rooms is a big, beautiful space for physical therapy and rehabilitation exercise.  We can’t wait to share this feature with you.  Be sure to ask to take a look at it next time you are in the office if you haven’t seen it yet!

6.  Sneak Peek: We will be featuring local photography

    We are so excited to announce that coming soon we will be featuring the healing and peaceful local Southern Oregon photography of Rock Lamb!  Rock’s photography is the perfect compliment to our healing environment and we are sure you all are going to love it! We are proud to be Southern Oregonians and live in one of the most beautiful places on earth.  Rock’s eye for our region is magnificent and will be on full display.


Next time you are in the office, keep an eye out for these special features, designed with you in mind!